what to do if you get doxxed and what you should do to stay safe from possibly being doxxed: a thread
1. Block and report
Block them. Report them because they can also do harm to others and also because they have they have your info on your page.
2. Use a vpn
There are plenty of good vpns on the App Store and other places you can download for free! I’m using one rn
This is so important you should absolutely do this, it will help you get it taken down asap
https://twitter.com/philzalovebot/status/1265936390212030466?s=21 here is a good thread on what to do please go like and rt their tweet !! https://twitter.com/philzalovebot/status/1265936390212030466
You should also screenshot if someone asks for evidence
Tell others about the person so they can help them get suspended !!
Go on private this will also help so they can’t see the things you post
Remember to stay calm and go to a place that your safe in try to breath and stay collected
You should remove your name from your account and maybe you should even change your @
The definition of doxxing and how to know if you been doxxed
They have your full name,location, or other personal info on your page
A tweet on how to breath and stay calm https://twitter.com/s4ppygirlie/status/1265786473510551552?s=21 https://twitter.com/S4PPYGIRLIE/status/1265786473510551552
Also do not click any suspicious links people have sent you that’s a way people can get into your info and I recommend turning off dms from everybody
Do not do the “reveling my phone number 🤪” things that is a way for people to find out your area and just out right stupid and irresponsible
This might sound like such a middle school assembly thing but please don’t give out your phone number rn to you don’t know well
People who doxxed people mostly do it for no reason beside you be assholes, so it’s not your fault if it happens to you
This is the end of thread for rn I’ll add on if I need to later, stay safe calm and healthy guys, I hope this thread helped you in some way
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