Scott Alexander on police racism: Well Actually, it's a Liberal Myth, political correctness run amok
"To give just one example, every number and line of evidence we have suggests that the police do not disproportionately target or kill black people compared to the encounter rate"
He cites as evidence an article from the website "Police One" (lmao) that cites a study by the author of this gem:
"Are Cops More Hesitant to Shoot Black Than White People?"

huh wow, maybe White people are the tRuE underclass of america who knew🤔🤔🤔

fuck you scott siskind
Oh boy, he compares the media comprised "90% by liberals" (according to him) to an organization comprised 90% of Klansmen:
(thread below)
Once again, I think of these political differences as secondary to (and proxy for) more complicated tribal/class differences, and these tribes/classes really really hate each other and are trying to destroy each other (remember, multiple experiements find that people’s…

… party/class/tribe prejudices are stronger than their racial/religious prejudices). So imagine an institution that’s 90% Klansmen, with all its findings interpreted by and transmitted through a second institution that’s 90% Klansmen, and consider how useful (or not)…

…the information about black people that eventually reaches you through the conjunction of those two institutions will be.


How about we say fuck you Scott instead?

Gotta love all the idiots tweeting "I am Scott Alexander" with no irony
Scott: “Blacks appear to be arrested for drug use at a rate four times that of whites. Adjusting for known confounds reduces their rate to twice that of whites. *However*, other theorized confounders could mean that the real relative risk is anywhere between two and *parity*.”
“... Never trust the [he means liberal] media to give you any number more complicated than today’s date”

Translation: I tried my best but I couldn’t make the data say that there wasn’t a racial bias so I’ll insinuate things about the liberal bias of media and academia.
Scott: As you can see, a person shot at by a police officer is more than twice as likely to be black as the average member of the general population. But, crucially, they are LESS LIKELY to be black than the average violent shooter or the average person who shoots at the police.
It’s almost as if who gets arrested for firearms, who is identified as a suspect in a criminal shooting, and who is shot at by police are ALL biased towards criminalizing Black people you fucking idiot.
It beggars belief that he writes at length about how there are confounds that explain why Black people are more likely to be arrested for drug possession and use than white people.

And promptly throws all of that out the window when discussing police shootings. #slatestarcodex
Could it be that you’re just a racist asshole trying to justify the racist system you find yourself benefiting from? Could it possibly be that your fetishizing IQ and the supremacy of white people and Ashkenazi Jews is not as innocent as it seems?
Also fuck you and fuck your confounds that “demonstrate” drug arrests aren’t racist. It’s incredible we have to rebut shitty statistics from eugenicist bloggers when we’ve known that both the effects and original intention of the War on Drugs was to destroy black communities.
Excerpt: "You want to know what this was really all about?" Ehrlichman asked, referring to the war on drugs.

"The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I'm saying?”
“We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. “
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