Like all democrats, I offer support to all pro-democracy protestors in Hong Kong. But for those who disagree with the Government’s decision to offer settled status to 3 million Hong Kong residents who are British Nationals (Overseas) I have this to say.
Not all will come to the U.K. Very few will, but those who do will be fleeing for their lives. But they are not refugees in any traditional sense. Not that that should make a difference. They are, though, highly creative, industrious people.
The value they will add to our economy is incalculable. We should welcome them with open arms for both humanitarian reasons and self-interest. The Chinese Government is a vile, totalitarian regime. I pray for those who are left behind and salute their bravery.
But don’t cast the people of Hong Kong to the outer darkness and condemn all residents of the city to servitude. They deserve better than that. They deserve our support.
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