

Twitter is awash with statements like “annexation has already been here for years”.

I agree. I guess I’ve spent as much time as anyone exposing and challenging de facto annexation.

I get it.

But I’m also troubled by the statement.

Occupation, annexation & apartheid are intimately related, existing on a continuum. Each has 50 shades.

But they aren’t the same.

I truly know what de facto annexation looks like, but de jure annexation will make it worse. Energy spent on stopping annexation is well spent

I’m not theorizing.

When folks say, not with out merit, annexation has already happened, there’s a subtext, often unintentional.

“Nothing matters. All is lost anyway. We’re fucked. Get used to it”.

I understand the despair.

I am not immune to it.

I too am at a loss about how to stop this plunge into madness, much less reverse it.

But regardless: annexation matters. Stopping annexation matters, and is possible.

Ending occupation &exposing, combatting apartheid matter, even if success is not in sight.

Shit matters.
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