Governor DeSantis passed some new laws that went in effect today:
1) Parental Consent (SB404) - Requires girls under 18 to get a parent’s consent before allowing a doctor to perform an abortion.
2) Drug and Cosmetics Act (SB172) - Prohibits local governments from regulating over-the-counter drugs and cosmetics.
3) Teacher Pay (HB641) - Raises the minimum base pay for new, full-time teachers to $47,500.
4) Holocaust, Black History in Schools (HB1213) - Requires the Florida Department of Education to create curriculum for students about the Holocaust and Black history.
Incarcerated Pregnant Women (HB1259) - Requires a pregnant prisoner placed in restrictive housing to be seen by a qualified healthcare professional at least once every 24hra and observed by a correctional officer at least once every hour.
Drug Repository Program (HB177) - Enables Florida residents with valid prescriptions who are indigent, uninsured or underinsured to receive donated prescription drugs and supplies.
School Choice (HB7067) - Which expands access to provide financial assistance to families seeking private education.
Emotional Support Animals (SB1084) - Prohibits discrimination in housing provided to a person with a disability or a disability-related need for an emotional support animal.
Domestic Violence Injunctions (SB1080) - Gives courts authority to take action regarding the care and posession of animals in domestic voilence injunctions.
Elder Abuse Fatality Review (SB400) - Authorizes a state attorney to review closed cases of elder fatalities caused by abuse or neglect by creating an elder abuse fatality review team, composed of volunteer members.
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