Starting the new(well not that new anymore) idw run :o let's see what's up with it !
Before I start I'll say what brought this on was seeing this cover which is like, well ya got me I cant NOT read the comic after seeing this
Already in interesting territory what with the monkey people being lead by the orb
Also love getting windblade in issue 1 so happy she has become such a mainstay of like, every transformers continuity
He seems fine!
Prowls boobs look like a whole face
Folks? This bug? It's good!
Oh hell yeah now this is a fucking crew. Also this is the elita design the Netflix show is using yeah? Wonder if we will see a figure of it at some point
Rubble is certified babby
Hand hold.....
Very jarring art change lol
That's a gottem
Cyclonus being haunted by a bunch of shitty ghosts is a great concept
Cyclonus launches flamewar into the arms of her gf shadowstriker (unfortunately shadowstriker is tsundere)
Wtf I hate sixshot now?????
He do be kinda kawaii doe😳😳😳
Megatron having a whole ass mood
Oh man it's my good good TCG boys
Kinda bummed the Asenticon logo is already gone since I think it's pretty neat
Omg lightbright!!! Okay queen of standing in a crowd shot!!!!!!! Get it!!!!!
I am FEASTING on these adorable Nautica panels (also bonus roadrage checking her out on the ladder 👀)
Fuck you thrilling 30 jihaxius!!!!!!!!! No one likes your orange ass!!!
Liking this trend of bumblebee decking skytread
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