Thread: Why all non Isaaq Somalis should dismantle Somaliland,
The Answer: Alshabab , Ahmed Godane 👇
Ahmed Godane killed by a US drone strike was a Isaaq sub Arap , known as Emir Mukhtar abu Zubair by his followers was the late Leader of the Terrorist group Alshabab who Developed the group from a small terrorist militia to a World renown Terrorist Network across eastern Africa
It was known that he visited Somaliland and took his Holidays there, even his wife was there getting pregnant every year, for Somaliland he was an agent that was killing non Isaaqs, as soon he took control he made Somaliland a safe heaven against his fellow terrorists
He described non Isaaq Somalis who rejected his Group as Gaalo 👉 apostates and encouraged their blood be spilled wherever they are , whether in Hospital or School or Mosque , children, women, men
He and his group were responsible of the 2011 famine that hit most southern Somalia, he even abolished UN food describing as disbelievers food, n ultimately was how terrorists Roobow departed from the group because thousands of his Clans people starved from the actions of Godane
He Claimed that he was protecting the Religion and also that he was on a Holy task of Ruling Somalia with the Sharia , If u ask urself why was only southern Somalia his Target 🤔 If he wasn't on a mission for the Isaaq Clan to Kill non Isaaq Somalis ???
He structured the group into a sophisticated network and their upper leaders were most his loyal Clansmen at that Time , killing so many Somalis from every corner of Somalia , he was responsible of the deaths over 500 thousands Somalis from every Clan in Somalia
When Isaaqs claim now a Massacre that happened in 1988 by Siyaad barre and the Government of Somalia they r trying to divert the present reality of how their son is responsible of the most deaths of Somalis in the 21 century , even reached other countries
As edna adan described southern Somalia a terrorist heaven she shut her eyes what her nephew was doing in southern Somalia , and we never heard Somaliland officials condemning what their son was doing in Southern Somalia !
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