No country on earth has successfully contained Covid-19 without closing nonessential businesses and paying people to stay home. Government intervention is the only way out. Pretending capitalism and personal responsibility are enough has caused thousands of preventable deaths.
Media has been both-sidesing this a bit. The only viable solution is for the federal government to write big fat checks. There is no evidence that any other approach would work.
There are two sides to this argument: “Providing financial relief to businesses and individuals will keep America afloat while businesses are closed to prevent both the spread of Covid and economic disaster” vs. “No it won’t”
To me, advocating for government relief and business shutdowns is no more political than advocating for masks in public. All of this is what experts recommend.
The only argument against a massive stimulus/bailout is “I am personally opposed to people getting something I don’t think they deserve and I feel so strongly about it that I’m willing to sacrifice innocent lives and the economy.”
Oh also we’re gonna need to do something about the rent. Even if you don’t care about other people, you’re gonna care about the ripple effects of mass homelessness.
Again, THESE ARE NOT MY ORIGINAL IDEAS. These are recommendations from experts that have worked in other countries.
Uh yeah and people have kindly pointed out that I’m wrong about the “no other country” part but it’s clear that what worked for, say, Taiwan is not going to work in the U.S. Sorry for being an idiot but my larger point stands.
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