My tithing journey (A thread)

If your conviction is to tithe. Please do it. I trust the Holy Spirit to lead us all into the truth. I'm not gonna try convince anyone of anything. God can do a better job at that than me.
However, this is my take on it. I think the issue is not tithing itself. It's obedience. Since tithing is a heart thing. Money is one of the strongest grippers & corrupters of the human heart. That's why it's controversial.
I caught myself trying to convince myself not to tithe for a whole year and all the time I knew deep in my heart that the real reason was that I didn't want to give my money 😅
I'm being honest.
Guys I searched the scriptures trying to back up my argument. That time I knew in my heart I was being wildly disobedient because I just couldn't shake the conviction that I had in my spirit that I need to tithe. I didn't have peace in my little rebellion at all.
That period of time exposed my heart. It wasn't even about the scriptural references about tithing anymore. I had a resounding conviction in my heart that I was rebelling against for reasons that were messed up and I also realized that I did not trust God like I thought I did.
Personally, there many reasons why I believe I ought to tithe. Reasons additional to what the Bible says. I think even without the likes of Malachi 3:10 I'd still do it. Any rewards or blessings coming from that are far from my mind. Obedience the best reward...
I tithe mainly for these reasons:
1. It's one more way for me to bring my heart in submission to Christ.
2. It's one more way to express my gratitude to God.
3. It's one more way to surrender myself.
4. It's one more way to put Jesus first as the Lord of my life.
5. Lastly, it's also an extra way to discipline my flesh & keep it in check. This is just me though . God will reveal to you what you ought to do if you really want to know. But if your heart is hardened about this topic, you won't be open to recieve what God is saying to you.
So whatever you believe about tithing, check your heart. Make sure that belief is not coming from a place of rebellion. Seek God & enquire for yourself. He's not stingy with wisdom (James 1). Seek to be obedient, not to just be right.
Heart posture is more important than dividing debates. Remember it's sin to not do what you know you ought to do. Even if others aren't doing it. Seek God's will and obey Him at all costs and with all things for obedience is better than sacrifice.
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