Reasons to spread the Gospel.
A Thread ❤️
1. Do you remember that feeling you first got when you were saved?

Everyone should feel that way in their life.
2. The love of Jesus Christ covers every hurt, every worrying thought and every broken heart.

Help someone find peace that goes beyond their understanding.
3. If you think someone you know feels deep down no one could ever love them, telling about them about God’s love could save their life.
4. We find our true selves in Christ because He made us alive.

Encourage someone to receive His life so they can find their own.
5. There’s always that one person in your life that feels they have failed so many times and think everyone else has given up on them.

You tell them Romans 8:38 after you explain the Gospel ❤️
6. Jesus has not only forgiven sin, but the inheritance of heavenly blessings is all yours through faith in Him alone!

Why wouldn’t you want that for everyone you know?
7. There are some stains in people’s lives that they think can never be rubbed out. But you need to let them know that God’s love covers a multitude of sin and He remembers their sin no more.
8. God’s goodness and faithfulness to you isn’t reliant on how much money you have, what people think of you or who you know.

Tell someone that God’s faithfulness to them will never be broken because that’s just who He is.
9. Many people come and go, but when you accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour,

He dwells in you. He is one with you.

That comfort you feel reading that, could be someone else’s comfort too.
10. When many Christians weep and thank God endlessly in worship,

It’s not because of money. Or cars. Or anything materialistic.

It is because God is Our Loving Father and best friend all in one. Rise up and help someone find their way to Him today.
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