Strongly considering moving out of SF, at least temporarily — maybe spend a few months in France. Talk me out of it
I’ve been telling everyone that being in tech and out of SF was madness, and I do believe that was true. But that was before we had a pandemic, and we all had to stay at home anyway. When the facts change...
I still believe in SF over the long run (though less so than 6 months ago). But in the short run, it does feel very silly to pay SF rents to stay home all day. And it looks like things will remain this way for at least another 3-6 months.
Upside of buzzing out:
- can go to countries where COVID is ~solved
- general fun of traveling
- see your family
- save on rent

- sf might still matter in the long run? 🤔
“Leave” is winning. The biggest con would be the distraction of moving out and traveling — I’ve started working on something and really don’t need that.
Also, my biggest takeaway is that most of my followers don’t know I’m French, though I appreciate the offers to show me around!
*rips off hoodie, reveals he was all along SUPER DUPONT*
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