I’m grateful the universe placed me in Canada, but the benefits I grew up with living here didn’t happen by accident; they are a result of tough decisions along the way (thread) ...1/12
Celebrating what we love about living in Canada today should make us forget we aren’t done yet. Here’s 10 thoughts - some big, some small, to make Canada greater: ...2/12
1. Canada remains a long ways from reconciling the history of (and ongoing) injustices generations of First Nations have faced ...3/12
2. Minor hockey is about creating friends and a lifelong healthy activity, not creating the next NHL player ...4/12
3. We need to learn how to have non-juvenile conversations about energy and climate change without accusing each other of being non-patriotic ...5/12
4. Canada’s urban-rural political divide is a bigger deal than its East vs West one ...6/12
5. Public health care is wonderful, but is without eye, dental and pharmaceutical it’s not universal ...7/12
6. Telling ourselves Canada has made progress on systemic homophobia, sexism and racism doesn’t mean it’s gone ...8/12
7. Governments are always picking winners even tell us (and perhaps belief) they aren’t. Canadians need to decide if they support how and who those winners are being picked ...9/12
8. We don’t spend enough of our travel dollars within Canada. The North is glorious, Newfoundlanders are amazing, Saskatchewan’s Grassland Park is an unknown gem and the Great Lakes are aptly named ...10/12
9. Much of what we are proud of in Canada is due to taxation and the transfer money from wealthy to less-wealthy areas within cities, provinces and the country ...11/12
10. Wearing a cage in beer-league hockey is fine, get over it. Happy Canada Day! ...12/12
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