It is very understandable that some people like to believe that healthy people are manipulated by nefarious government entities into doing terrible things, because we know for a fact that government entities DID manipulate some unhealthy people into doing terrible things.
A huge amount of the right wing paranoid conspiracies are based on the idea that they "just learned" stuff from their conspiracy brethren that "only a few people knew."
In reality, it was just shit *they* didn't know.
A typical "red pill" video will blend a number of things most people who are aware of non-jingoistic American History of the past 50 years already know with one or two things that are made up and say "for some of you, these are mostly old news."
All of the ACTUAL things that appear in those videos are old news, such as....
MK-Ultra. MK ultra has been out of the news for about 45 years, because most of the court cases stemming from its exposure have since been settled.
It was hardly hidden, having been ended in 1973 and made public in 1975.
It was discussed in the New York Times extensively in 1974
MK-Ultra was such a well-discussed news story that it is even a part of the *movie adaptation* of Firestarter.
It went through EXTENSIVE Congressional hearings, which, while not as important as Watergate, were watched by a lot of people because of renewed interest in oversight.
I can't even believe this one is a thing, but here we are...
Three incredibly well-known psychological experiments that were "hidden" that some of these "the truth revealed" people think they just learned about are.... (everyone who took freshmen psych don't look...)
Except these were not today's scientists, and most psychology students learn about this today when discussing SHIT YOU CAN'T DO BECAUSE IT IS UNETHICAL.
I won't give papers or websites here, because it is too brutal, but some other stuff they discuss, such as scientists injecting chemicals and testing drugs like thalidomide on people, were war crimes done by Nazis and the Japanese.
Usually the scientists mentioned by name in these instances are Eduard Wirths and Carl Clauberg, because if they specifically said Josef Mengele and Horst Schumann EVERYONE would know they were talking about war criminals...NO ONE SANE IN SCIENCE THINKS THESE WERE GOOD GUYS.
Many people in science who've had to take advanced ethics classes have read a lot of stuff from Nuremberg. The shit from this stuff will haunt your nightmares and must not be forgotten. If you're interested, read the references in the wikipedia article.
note that this stuff is often portrayed in "the truth exposed" videos as if it wasn't nazis, or even discussed with trickery, like "a paper in 1950 says..." and if you have the skills to look up that paper, you'll find it is talking about Nazis doing bad things....
Less well known to the general public IN THE UNITED STATES are Unit 731 and Shirō Ishii, about which data is used exactly the same as the data about Nazis. These were revealed in the Khabarovsk War Crime Trials, again, not hidden from the public.
While certain people, especially vets, know all about the IMTFE, a lot of Americans, especially Americans born AFTER 1950, know nothing about it. That was a decision of a generation of parents, but if you were interested it was never HIDDEN data.
This stuff, coupled with information about American Eugenics, could seem like there was a vast conspiracy of evil doing, except most of the people in these individual groups didn't know each other, being separated by time, wars, and fields of science.
oh! here's another example of "stuff they don't want you to know."
Did you know The Society for Biodemography and Social Biology used to be the American Eugenics Society?
Maybe you knew this because they changed their name twice AND NEVER KEPT THAT SECRET?
I'm not going to go into detail about EVERY actual history thing, but I will add one more bugaboo they think no one knows about...
Lately (and I seriously think this is a result of Amazon series Hunters) Many of these "truth" videos discuss a thing you've totally never heard of-
Operation Paperclip...
But Kat, you say, of course I've heard of Operation Paperclip! I heard of it in references in movies, such as Doctor Strangelove and The Rocky Horror Picture Show! I might not've known the name, but used-to-be-nazi scientists ARE A TROPE!
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