That’s a lot of money.

And it also means that nothing he’s done for the past year has worked in Ohio.

They’ve done everything they can to stop the bleeding in Ohio. And they’re failing.

And if they lose Ohio, it’s all over for Trump.

Trump must be looking at @parscale right now, and asking: but what about the suburbs of Ohio's major cities? Aren’t they really Republican there? Isn’t that where Bush and Romney won big?

And the answer is: Yes. They WERE red. But now they’re blue.

So then Trump must be looking at @parscale and asking, but what about all those small towns I won by so much in 2016? They're still with me, right?

And the answer is: sure, some are....

So no doubt Trump is looking at @parscale and asking: but isn’t Ohio so red? They send 12 Republicans to the US House and only 4 Democrats. And their statehouse is mostly Republican, right?

And the answer is: well, don’t read too much into that. That’s gerrymandering

The truth is that Ohioans voted 52%-48% (R-D) for Congress in 2019. 50-49 for statehouse. They reelected @SenSherrodBrown by 7 & flipped 2 Supreme Court seats

The rigged districts hide all that

Trump then must ask @parscale - OK, but won't Ohioans like my push on confederate statues? That'll help there, right?

The answer: hell no. Ohio is the proud birthplace of Unconditional Surrender Grant & William Sherman. That’s who Ohio celebrates

Little Cadiz, in Eastern Ohio, is proud to be the birthplace of John Bingham, the author of the 14th Amendment.

A statue stands there in his honor today.

Ohioans in river towns like Cincinnati and Ripley stood watch to help escaping slaves cross the Ohio River, then shepherded them to safe houses throughout Ohio.

Ohioans in big cities and small towns are proud of THAT heritage.

Trump must then ask @parscale : but Ohio has a lot of veterans. They’re with me, right?

The answer: yes and no.

Ohio is the proud home to a huge number of veterans.

But Ohioans know what veterans and leaders who support them look like.

So now he’s doing what he never thought he’d have to do—spend millions and millions on television to try to stop the bleeding.

To try to get Ohio voters back in his column.

It's a good sign, but a lot of money. And a lot of false ads.

Which is where you come in....

We at the @ohdems need to keep fighting back, like we have successfully for the past two years.

To stay ahead here, we need your help.

Nothing Trump is doing is working here. So far.

But $18m is a hell of a lot of money.

We don't need as much as that, but we need enough to fight back through digital ads, through organizing, and through the most robust vote-by-mail effort this state has ever seen.

So please consider giving whatever you can today.

Help us fight back against this $18M onslaught.

It shows panic in the Trump campaign. But we still need every penny you can muster to keep fighting, successfully, to turn Ohio blue.
You can follow @DavidPepper.
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