So, @RepDennyHeck wants your questions for Boss of Government Schools Chris Reykdal. I have offered some

Here is where you can read some of his office's sex-ed curricula: you might also have some questions! 
Hi @RepDennyHeck and @WaOSPI I'm back.

Why does your ok'd curricula pretend doctors "assign" people a sex at birth? Sex is observable, testable, measurable and falsifiable. How is it medically accurate to pretend an emotion overrides scientific fact?

Will curricula you ok'd get around to discussing THOUSANDS of girls who want their bodies back from "gender surgeons?" Will it discuss drop in IQs from cross-sex hormones? Sterilization? Will it discuss that 97% of gender dysphoria cases involve abuse?

Why does the curricula you okay treat a parental view of sexual activity as "DOGMA" and then program 9-12th graders to act against what you call "DOGMA?"

Why is it a good idea for adults to make 9-12th graders act-out scenarios in which they talk one another into having sex?

Why is the 3Rs curricula so focused on kids having indiscriminate sex and on merchandising gender dysphoria, gender confusion and gender rebellion? Why is it a good idea to market a painful, confusing condition to kids?

Is it because Planned Parenthood hands out condoms--and performs abortions, and hands out cross-sex hormones to 13 year olds WITHOUT parental consent--that you tell kids they have a right to condoms?

You can follow @toddeherman.
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