Shortly after the protests began in Louisville, @leoweekly posted a gross article that tried to be cute: "protest for Black lives...then relax with a martini!" They were called out by many folks, one of which was @MindaHoney. Their apology was flimsy and defensive.
. @MindaHoney has been writing for LEO for 3.5 years (including the advice column Ask Minda – it is/was amazing). When she pressed LEO about their utter lack of Black leadership, she was treated rudely and with great defensiveness. Then they ghosted her.
Now, today, after 3 weeks of no response, Minda finds that her Ask Minda email account has been deleted. No one informed her. No explanation.

To recap: Minda pressed about Black leadership, was ghosted...and then had her column access abruptly disappear.
When she asked what was going on, LEO told her "it was an accident." Was gaslighted. Treated rudely. Was disrespected.

Let me tell you a little bit about @MindaHoney.
She's been published by The Oxford American, Vice, Playboy, The Guardian, The Washington Post, Teen Vogue, the Los Angeles Review of Books and many more. She's been featured in NYC and at AWP. People beg her to teach writing workshops around the region.
In short: @MindaHoney could go anywhere she wants. She is wildly talented. She could go to NYC, or back to LA.

But she's here. In Louisville. Because she loves us. Everywhere she goes, she uplifts writers.

Why won't LEO uplift her?
As @MindaHoney herself said, what she is asking of the LEO is no different than what is being asked of outlets, organizations and institutions around the country. And this is how they do.
I remember @MindaHoney fighting LEO years ago about capitalizing Black and they said no. An alternative local newspaper who makes their own rules. Said no. you can imagine...Minda is tired.
So this long thread is to tell you 1) I love Minda, who deserves the world, and 2) to tell you that today, @MindaHoney is launching TAUNT, sponsored by @QueerKentucky. A publication that dares local media to do better. PLEASE DONATE:
I believe in @MindaHoney, and I believe in TAUNT. I will be boosting this fundraiser a lot in the coming weeks. Louisville needs this. The world needs this.

(Also Minda has excellent taste and the merch is going to be *chef kiss*)
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