I’m (hopefully) on the tail end of battling that pesky ass Corona virus. Figured I’d share some tidbits from my experience in case anyone finds them helpful or interesting. 🦠
The 1st symptom I had was a fever. It came on pretty suddenly at night. Not sure my actual temp but husband said I was scorching hot to the touch but physically shaking while sleeping. I was pretty miserable all night but woke up feeling great with no fever.
This made me falsely think it was a fluke thing. Felt great all of the next day before feeling crummy again on day 3. Next symptom I noticed was a loss of taste & smell starting on day 2. It was a subtle loss at first. But by day 3 you could have given me a glass of
told me it was water & I wouldn’t have known the difference. Other symptoms included mild headache (thought I was hungover at first) body aches, and most of all extreme fatigue. Felt like my body just couldn’t get enough sleep.
I first got a nasal swab test at a CareNow facility. They told me 3-5 days for results. I didn’t want to wait that long so I went for drive through mouth swab testing from UMC at UNLV which was 24-48 hour turnaround for results. I got call confirming I was positive from UNLV
location in 30 hours. The CareNow place didn’t call with positive result for 6 days!! 😳 So if you’re going to get tested, definitely inquire about turnaround time for results before settling on location. I was of course already quarantining but was feeling mostly fine by the
time they called. Someone less knowledgeable could have been walking around infecting others by the time they got positive confirmation. I have NO idea where I picked it up. I had only spent time w/ 6 adults all of whom tested negative & I used mask/sanitizer when in public. 🤷🏻‍♀️
My husband & son both tested negative despite us sharing long car ride home from Utah after I was symptomatic & us quarantining together without any social distancing measures within our home. It’s bizarre to me the virus is contagious enough I somehow picked it up but they
didn’t get it? There’s some thought that certain blood types are more vulnerable (type A most vulnerable) while others are more resilient (type O most resilient) to the virus? That would make sense with us as I’m type A & Kory is O, but I haven’t researched it much.
I’m on day 3 of feeling pretty great. I can still feel something funky going on in my lungs if I take a deep breath but thankfully in an acute sense I never felt respiratory stress. Looking forward to exercising again to test out lung function but for now, I’m just resting.
I think that’s it. Sorry this got long. From a medical perspective I just find this all very interesting & sort of perplexing. It’s truly a mysterious virus. I’m thankful I had a fairly mild case & I’m stoked I get to donate superhuman antibody plasma once fully recovered. 💪🏽
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