This means @SenTomCotton and the @GOP look to a future in which African American communities will never vote Republican.

They see the future of their party as a minority "white power" party.

If so, the GOP will become smaller, angrier, and more hateful.
Steven Levitsky says the GOP must learn to appeal to minority communities or face extinction.

The problem is they can't be pro-KKK and pro-BLM at the same time.

They've made their choice. Choosing to be a minority party means they know they can't win elections without cheating.
I think we're in for a party realignment in the next 10 years. I'm not quite sure how it will work. The Constitution was written for no parties, but there are parts that are unworkable with more than 2 parties.

We had an era with one dominant party . . .
. . .after Hamilton's Federalist Party imploded, before the birth of the Republican Party, the party then called the Democratic Republicans was the only viable party.

We could go through another such era: The Democratic Party dominating while other parties struggle to be born.
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