A "Jury of Our Peers".
We have seen hatred, racism, and violence, all over tv and the internet. Governors, mayor's, councils, state attorneys, judges, and on and on, ALL of them hate us.
They have been caught over and over again using their position to push their agenda and
Punish those they hate, admitting many times they want you dead.
Imagine facing these people in court, when they are in control 🤔
I did, Rod, Comey, Mueller, Obama, and others, lied with a smile on their face. Their appointed judges gobbling it up, nothing you do, say, or
Prove is ever going to work, nothing will save you and they are all a part of it. If you demand a "jury of your peers" they really come at you, more charges, longer max sentences. And who do they pick for the jury? They same people you see rioting on TV. Clean them up, put on a
suit, and there's your "peers". Continue to fight and the threats begin, against you, your spouse, family. I experienced twice, General Flynn is experiencing it right now.
Challenge the jury, ask for people who are truly your "peers" and you are branded a racist, censored by
the court, and presided over by a judge that is either appointed/supports those against you, or is afraid of being labeled a racist so is "extra strict" on you, to "make an example", and so no label is applied to them.
Guilt or innocence rarely plays a part, just deal after
deal, destroy your life, and repeat with next person.
As slow as "justice" seems to be, it will be decades, if ever, before anything is resolved.
They take everything from you, abuse their authority to shred your life, people are killed, and they get book deals, tv jobs,
and lots of help.
People are standing up now, Patriots are fighting back, We won't take this crap forever. But We will face a real battle in the Courts if defending ourselves lands us there. Please widen your plans, defend yourselves, loved ones, but plan for the legal battle
to come when you do. KNOW the judges in your area, the state attorneys, learn change of venue criteria, have Support in place as early as possible.
These activist attorneys are Notorious for checking your social media accounts, do you support Trump, and charging based on
that. Illegal but done every day. The enemy is entrenched and prepared, with massive support. We will have to fight on Multiple fronts.
Stay together, stay strong, and may the LORD give you Guidance and Strength to face this challenge, Amen🙏🙏🙏
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