Covid1984- tank economy Trump grew✔️
Isolate. Divide. ✔️
Masks- further alienation✔️
Knee on the neck( in two other countries as well as US) (4 different men shown as crooked cop)-destroy Police Service✔️
George Floyd go fund me- handled by act blue. -Large donator to DNC. ✔️
BLM- funds handled by act blue-more donations to DNC✔️
Riots Looting- destroy businesses, mom and pops small shops- encourage online shopping✔️
Mayors side with antifa- Democrats further destroying
“Power to the people idea” with bad actors. ✔️
CHOP -separate country. humiliate police, anyone on the right side of the law. Police call out, resign. ✔️
Trump holds rally- AOC Democrat encourages dishonesty to thwart attendance via tik tok
Trump plans more rallies-COvid outbreaks Rise in these cities✔️
Trump plans a special 4th of July at Mount Rushmore-Democrats declare Mount Rushmore racist.✔️
Biden will not hold rallies. Will not debate on drs advice? -low attendance and incoherent speaking no longer a problem. ✔️
Biden hold press conference, reads his response via teleprompter. Was given the questions prior to conference✔️ sound familiar? -2016 HRC?
And the latest. Russia bounty. NY times leaked information
By someone? Who?
Attacks against the President- again. And again. And again!

Do you see a common denominator?
Democrats will see left. Republicans will see Right.
Woke people will see the truth.
Two wings on a the same bird. The right wing wants to fly free
The left wing wants to control where and when they fly.
The head says I’m standing for every bird that flies.
The feathers on the right wing agree although there are dissenters among them and in the tail feathers.
So now the left wing is trying to cut of the head of the bird or impair it’s ability to be heard and convince the right wing that their way is the only way or coerce them
to fall in line or they will cut the tail feathers completely. Gaining ultimate control of the whole bird.
What they fail to understand is GOD IS IN CONTROL
He knows every feather on that bird.
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