@JVoiceLabour has always been about one thing. Six Marxist Jews doing what Marxist jews have always done - setting up a group to attract antisemites by abusing the identity of their ancestors.

And fair play to them - they've been spectacularly successful in their task.
However, whilst their strategy was planned hand in hand with the previous racist leadership of @uklabour, a new, non antisemitic broom has taken over. And thus whilst the loons like Windbag, Greenslime, Bash(ful and Dopey) and (Charlie) Manson continue to plot with their Jew ...
hating mates, no-one in LOTO office gives a shit about any of them, apart from finding a way to kick any remaining @JVoiceLabour members out of the Party. They have returned to the sewers from where they escaped.

Ho hum. What a shame.
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