Fuck it, I’ll say my thoughts on the shit that has been going on. I’m tired of these weak n***as in this community.

I’m done mincing words at this point so if want to say I’m problematic or performative, I don’t care. idgaf about reputation. I’m getting my tweet off.

(1/8) I’m tired of the weak n***as who somehow put it in their mind that it was okay to stalk, threaten, or make unwanted advances on others. You trash heaps need to be put on blast. Normalize telling these fuckers off at events since it’s THIS common.
(2/8) I’m tired of this weak n***a shit that occurs with many people in a scene knowing or repeatedly hearing about an instance of the aforementioned types of offenses...... yet they do NOTHING to support the victim until the time comes to post on social media.
(3/8) There is no *right time* to reach out and let the person you KNOW is affected that they have your support. There is no *right time* to check these mfs when you KNOW they’re on some bullshit. Instead, you shitters are content with rumors/word of mouth.

Happens everywhere
(4/8) I heard rumors about Cinnpie’s actions a year ago, but heard nothing of anything done to combat it. Promaelia, too. @Bankai_ZS said in his video that “everybody in NYC Smash knew about Froot”

(5/8) I’m tired of the weak ass n***as who facilitate discourse that happens on Smash Twitter. Because no matter how much potential you have to raise critical discussions on here, fuckers will silence you.

There is no open and honest communication on this platform because of it.
(6/8) I tried discussing how to intervene when a girl is being made uncomfortable by dudes trying to make a move on them.

Then was told that because of an insult from 7 months ago + because I laughed at Zenyou’s tweet about an OnlyFans girl, I’m not fit to discuss these issues.
(7/8) I have a decent amount of influence and ability to make positive impact, yet disingenuous people attempt to stifle productive discussions anyways. It’s made me NOT want to talk about it because popularity contest BS leads people to disrupt any positive impact I could have.
(8/8) Get over yourselves and recognize that we need to handle these issues maturely and with consideration.

Everyone needs to hold themselves accountable in order to eliminate the fuckboy activity that occurs at ALL these levels.
That’s it.

And if you still want to spin my words to make me into some “performative” n***a, go suck your own chode.

Ruin my reputation if you want. As long as my words HELP SOMEBODY, I don't care what you think of me. Whether or not you believe me, I was honest.
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