“Data is interpersonal, not individual. We need frameworks that reflect its interdependent nature”

🤝Economist @glenweyl of @RadxChange joins us to discuss data dignity & new economic mechanisms to fund culture 🤝

Short ep free everywhere. Full ep at http://Patreon.com/interdependence 
"Data Dignity" is a proposal Glen made w/Jaron Lanier, where unions collectively bargain for the value of personal data - a concept that appears to have inspired @AndrewYang Data Dividend project to establish personal data property rights in California
the distinction of establishing councils for collective bargaining rather than personal data markets is significant. We see some crossover with the music industry, where perhaps new unions could facilitate the funding of common resources.
so rather than lobbying for everyone to get a $10 check, instead everyone's $10 check pooled together could produce greater value through funding the infrastructure necessary to keep music healthy and accessible. This is why an interdependent view on data matters.
the need for these new structures, as we have discussed in previous episodes, is that in light of developments in machine learning, your musical data is about to become even more valuable and it will be even more difficult to establish individual provenance
one scenario we have put forward is that exactly these kind of data councils could be formed to represent, perhaps, "scene data" that could be collectively licensed to fund the kind of common resources that keep scenes vital. Clubs. Studios.
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