Joel Bleiman is a teacher in Haringey. His pronouns are he/him.

Joel claims that a student called Rahmaan Mohammadi was referred to Prevent by his school "for wearing a Free Palestine badge".

This story was reported by every major news outlet.

It is completely untrue.
We do not know precisely what it was about Mohammadi's conduct that raised concerns in the school.

Perhaps it was that he published a photo of Hezbollah's army, a banned terrorist organisation, as his profile picture.
Perhaps it was his description of British soldiers as "terrorists" who are killing his "brothers and sisters" in Afghanistan.
It could have been his views on "the Jewish Zuckerberg"
Or his joy that ISIS were "finally" shooting missiles into Israel.
It could have been his sectarian enthusiasm for Assad.
I don't blame Joel Bleiman for spreading the canard that Mohammadi was referred to Prevent for wearing a pro-Palestine badge.

It is commonly believed among far Left and Islamist activists.

Sadly, however many times one corrects this story, it continues to circulate.
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