A lot of potential Yes voters were seduced by these weasel words in 2014. They played us for fools & everything he said turned out to be a lie. On such ‘promises’ was the slim No result achieved: anyone who disputes right to hold #indyref2 should be forced to watch this on a loop https://twitter.com/wordamentalist/status/1269693700956991488
Forget Brexit: on the basis of this statement from UK’s own PM, there can be no dispute whatsoever that referendum was lost on basis of calculated, deliberate & cynical lies & deceptions. They said whatever it took to win. Case for #indyref2 solid: 2014 ‘verdict’ wasn’t ‘safe’.
I have little doubt that if Scotland in 2014 had a crystal ball to see the ‘stability’ of the xenophobic, English nationalist dystopia of Brexit Britain they’d get if they voted No, they’d have voted for independence.
2014: Shattered dreams of the Yes supporter - shattered expectations of the No voter - all because of the shattered promises of the Unionists.
Scotland should be in no doubt: British governments lie - always have done and always will - to perpetuate England’s dominion over Scotland. It doesn’t matter who they are. “We have catch'd Scotland and will bind her fast".
Here are his words, which deserve to live in infamy. Anytime anyone has the temerity to say #indyref was ‘once in a generation’ just throw back these cynical lies: “Business as usual is not on the ballot paper. The status quo is gone. The campaign has swept it away.”
To think that’s now three lying, England First Tory Prime Ministers we’ve have in a row.
‘Real change is Scotland’s for the taking’. I’m fed up with the wall to wall lockdown coverage pertaining to England only on ‘British’ broadcast media. How about Scotland (and Wales) get devolution of broadcasting, so the news reflects not only our reality, but our perspectives?
As Tories abandon pretence to be anything other than English Nationalist Party seeking hegemony over Scotland irrespective of wishes of our people & parliament, the term ‘unionist’ now fails utterly as an adequate descriptor for those seeking to prolong UK. They are #LondonRulers
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