*taps mic* this thing on?

Hi. Yeah so I took the whole month of June to be completely off Twitter. I needed to take a mental break, refocus, and spend quality time with my family. Here a quick summary on what I’ve been up to and what I’ve reminded myself:


Sometimes we need to step away from everything in order to find solutions to old problems.

So, we rented a cabin by the river in Tennessee near the Smoky Mountains and were there for a while. Just me, family, dogs, and good books.

With everything that is going on in the world, I needed some alone time with nature to prioritize my wellbeing and… just chill.

You can’t help others if your boat is sinking, too. Know yourself and listen to your body.

Hiking has always reminds of how small my ‘problems’ really are. There is a beautiful world outside our phones and social media. Don’t ignore it by focusing too much on people’s expectations and/or imaginary perceptions of who you are. Enjoy both the ride and the view.

I also took some time to learn and visited a few places, including the Museum of the Cherokee Indian (ah-mazing!)

Learn about and acknowledge the history of others if you want them to be aware of yours.

We often forget to look around us and be grateful gor the land and lives that are keeping us alive. Even when it seems like this planet is turning upside down, take some time to admire the little things in life and value your time and position in this world.

But, most importantly, I’ve created many, many good memories with my loved ones.

Be aware of your strengths and limitations. Be who you want to be. But never neglect those that will always be there for you — because they know the true you — to be on sites like Twitter.

Will I ever be back on this app ‘full time’? Probably not. It is such a privilege to be alive and my priority is to enjoy every second I have.

To all the wonderful connections I’ve made through this site — thank you for sharing a bit of your life with me ❤️
You can follow @NakedCapsid.
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