OK I got to the stuff with the trans boy in TLOU2 and honestly I think this side of the discourse has had a bunch of misinformation and exaggeration in it too
I gotta say there's egg on my face here, because I took the talk about torture porn and the appropriation of trans suffering way too seriously. I was really expecting him to get graphically executed while being transphobically abused or smt and that... extremely does not happen
The religious group he ran away from (because they weren't accepting of him being trans) misgender and deadname him in the process of trying to hunt him down, but there is no extended graphic torture or anything, he gets away at the end
I don't mean to minimise misgendering and deadnaming but this does NOT read as the "cis authors appropriating trans pain" that I was told it was gonna be, this reads as telling a story that contains trans people and transphobia
Good to know literally every facet of this discourse is full of bullshit and nonsense lmao
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