Today (the 1st of July) is the 99th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party in Shanghai. Here's a historical thread about the events leading up to the founding of the party.

It might be a bit long, but please read all of it. Hope it's interesting.
In 1842, the 1st Opium War ended with the humiliation of the Qing Dynasty by the British Imperialists. They took the island of Xiānggǎng, a number of trading privileges, and silver reparations. Importantly, Opium was legalised for British traders to peddle.
The 1st Opium War indicated the beginning of what is known as the 'Century of Humiliation', during which imperialists were allowed to plunder China for its resources and to poison its people with opium. China was a Semi-Colonial Nation, in addition to being a feudal one.
The subjugation of China was not without resistance. There were a number of attempts at both reform within the Qing dynasty, most notably with the self-strengthening movement and the 100 days reform. However, these were unable to strengthen the decrepit Empire.
There were also numerous revolts. Anti-foreign and vaguely anti-Qing sentiments led to the Taiping and Boxer rebellions, among others. These failed to defeat the imperialists, and after the Boxer rebellion, foreign troops began to occupy Chinese cities such as Beijing.
In the diaspora and amongst the intellectuals/national bourgeoisie, a national consciousness began to develop, which rejected Manchu rule and foreign imperialism. As a result, a number of secret societies and clubs formed, notably the Tongmenghui led by Sun Zhongshan.
The spark for the first revolution came when the Qing government gave control of Sichuan railway construction to foreign powers. This enraged many, and led to a mutiny and revolt of soldiers stationed in Wuchang, Wuhan on the 10th of October 1911.
The revolt in Wuchang succeeded in overthrowing the Manchu government, and caused revolts across the country. Sun Zhongshan returned, and became provisional President of the government of the Republic of China.
However, a compromise was struck, giving away control of the government to the Qing warlord Yuan Shikai in exchange for his cooperation in overthrowing the Emperor in Beijing. His rule was tyrannous and undemocratic, and he allowed the continued imperialist looting of China.
Yuan Shikai attempted to dub himself emperor in 1915, and was overthrown by southern warlords in 1916. This led to a severe power vacuum, where warlordism and foreign imperialism ran wild. A number of republican governments came and left, wielding little real power.
The utter failure of the revolution led to intellectuals looking to new ideological forms, particularly Liberalism, Anarchism, and Marxism. They also criticised old forms of culture, and called for the democratisation of society.
Intellectual dissatisfaction led to the May 4th Movement in 1919, where anti-imperialist students, teachers and workers demonstrated against reactionary forces, mainly the Japanese imperialists who aimed at annexation of Shandong.
By 1921, it was clear that the old political systems had failed, and that the country was plunging into greater instability and uncertainty. In this context, the nascent seeds of Marxism could bloom and develop.
Prominent founding members of the CPC were Mao Zedong, Chen Duxiu, Zhang Guotao, and others. They formed the CPC with the clear intent of forming a party that would be the conscious vanguard of Chinese Workers and Peasants, and lead them into revolution.
The CPC, from its founding up to the present has toiled to serve the people and to save China, from its Long March of 25,000 li, to the War of Resistance against Japan, to the revolution of 1949. From 50 people, a great revolutionary instrument was forged.

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