This #CanadaDay, I acknowledge that I’m privileged to reside on land that is part of Treaty 6 Territory. It is the ancestral and traditional territory of the Cree, Dene, Blackfoot, Saulteaux, Nakota Sioux, as well as the Métis. 

I acknowledge #CanadaDay is also viewed as cont’d celebration by a conquering force. For there is darkness in the origins and recent history of our country. A generations-long genocide against Indigenous people. Systemic racism to maintain power & privilege for white people. 2/3
We must continue to push and deliver change to overcome injustice and inequity. There is greatness in our history - times when our focus is on the benefit for all.

Today, I acknowledge the darkness. And I celebrate #CanadaDay as we work together to let more of the light in. 3/3
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