A #thread about some cool facts about Russia.

1. Russia has a very high literacy rate – with 99.7% of the population able to read and write by age 15
2. Beer wasn't considered an alcoholic drink in Russia until 2011
3. Russia has 11 time zones.
4. The deepest and largest freshwater lake in the world is Lake Baikal, located in the south of Siberia, with a depth of 2,442 ft (744.4 m) and a shore length of 1,300 mi (2,100 km). It’s very beautiful. And look at those gorgeous methane bubbles!
5. Palace Cats
The Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg has cats patrolling the basements to rid them of mice. That practice originates in the 18th century, from the times of the Empress Elizabeth of Russia, who was also Peter the Great’s daughter, who made sure that domestic cats be placed
...in the palace to control the ongoing mice infestation that filled the basements and kitchens.

It worked out well, so the queen decided to let them remain there, doing their job keeping the palace rodent-free (and adorable as well).
The cats have remained on the grounds since then, with the exception of a few dangerous periods such as WWII.
6. The word “vodka” comes from вода (voda), meaning “water”.
7.Russia is the largest country in the world and it is bigger in land mass than the planet Pluto.
8. There are over 100 languages spoken in Russia.
9. During the 45 years of the Cold War the Soviet Union and the USA never fought each other directly.
Instead, each side funded wars around the world, built up nuclear weapons (the arms race) and vied for supremacy in space.

The Cold War ended in 1991 with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev’s Glasnost and Perestroika reforms, the collapse of the USSR,
...and the founding of 15 independent republics.
10. Russia has the biggest nuclear arsenal in the world
...with an estimated 7,700 warheads, it holds just under half of all the nuclear weapons in existence (the US has the second biggest store).
11. Russians are the world’s fourth biggest lovers of alcohol, knocking back 15.1 litres per person a year
...only Belarus, Moldova and Lithuania beat Russia.

Vodka is the most popular drink (the word vodka come from voda, which means water), and beer (the second most popular)
...was only officially classed as an alcoholic drink in 2013. Up until then anything with less than 10 percent alcohol was considered a foodstuff.
12. Moscow has a super-beautiful subway system, including the 4th deepest station in the world
13. Russia accounts for 20% of the world's forest area
14. Russia is very corrupt. It was ranked 127 out of 177 on Transparency International’s 2013 Corruption Perception Index
15. A Russian was the first person in spaceIn 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first cosmonaut in space.

He made a 108-minute orbital flight in his Vostok 1 spacecraft
16. Russia has the world's longest railway. It covers a distance of 9,289 kilometers (5,772 miles), and also has connecting branches in Mongolia, and China.
17. Russia shares a border with 14 countries: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, China, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and North Korea.

No other country has as many borders.
18. Moscow is the fourth city with the most billionaires after New York, Hong Kong, and San Fransisco.
19. Russia has the largest energy and mineral reserves of any country in the world and provides Europe with most of its oil.
20. As many of you may know, Russia has played a huge part in space exploration. In fact, Russian and English are the two official languages of the International Space Station.
21. Russia's dialling code is 007.
22. Russian bank notes have braille markings on them for blind people.
23. Russia is opening a "Military Disneyland" that will allow guests to shoot military grade weapons and try out various military simulators.
24. At the time of WW1, the King of Britain, Russia, and Germany were all first cousins. When asked about WW1, Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany sarcastically remarked, "If my grandmother (Queen Victoria) had been alive, she would never have allowed it."
25. The main building of the Moscow State University is the largest university building in the world.
26. In 1867, Russia sold the territory of Alaska to the U.S. for $7.2 million
27. The Russian Military has the largest number of tanks on Earth: 22, 710.
...China is in second place with 9000 tanks, while the U.S is third with 8,725.
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