The lack of academic discussion on here re: the cont’d brutal exploitation of athletes’ bodies whose teams have returned to practice & are getting sick - and these are primarily Black athletes, mind you - beyond sport, race, health scholars is something ELSE.

Yeah, I’m PO’d.
We all see the protests happening around us, the police brutality, etc.

The racist sport structures in our places of work are informed by the SAME principles: white supremacy & racial capitalism.
1 common refrain amongst historians is that that a historian of Af-Am sport doesn’t seem to fit the bill as an American historian. Can they teach anything other than sport history?

This shows a lot of ignorance about the history of sport & racism in the US & world broadly.
We need to stop letting academic snobbery about the “popular topic” and our white complicity in our racist ed system get in the way of confronting these realities. It isn’t just about police brutality. We are all a part of upholding the anti-Black structure.
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