I applaud @geosociety's decision to stop serving beer at meetings. This is a hard move to make, and many will have strong reactions because we are so very used to it, have come to expect it, may thinks it's so cool!, and it has become part of the geoscience culture. And...(1/7)
Before pushing back against it, give yourself time to feel all these things. And how the beer facilitates networking and ideas. Sit with it. Raise your fist into the air with frustration. But then ask yourself, before you even complain to friends: (2/7)
Am I upset because this will *truly* impact my science, or because it's something I like and expect?

Note that there are other sciences that don't include alcohol in their mtgs. (3/7)
Who made this decision, and why? Even if I haven't had bad experiences with beer at meetings, can I believe that others have, and that their experiences matter? Do I want geoscience to be more diverse and inclusive? Can I give up some of the things I've come to like? (4/7)
This conversation has been going for several years among those working in diversity, equity, & inclusivity; it's not coming from nowhere. GSA's diversity committee made this recommendation based on their research. (5/7)
And no, taking beer away won't solve all problems of inappropriate behavior, but it will take out one the factors that can amplify it, and it's one we can control. Also, some people culturally or personally aren't comfortable around alcohol. So. Let's level the playing field(6/7)
And make *the meeting space* professionally safe and comfortable and welcoming for everyone. People can then choose to imbibe with friends and colleagues on their own time. (7/7) (Read on for bonus analogy.)
I love getting peanuts on the plane. I've come to expect peanuts on the plane! What do you mean someone has an allergy that means a peanut can kill them and so none of us gets peanuts?? 1) Protect that person; 2) If I never had gotten peanuts on a plane, I would not expect them.
Bottom line: Peanuts are not necessary to fly across the country. And they can hurt people. Beer is not necessary for geology, despite what the geo stereotypes would have us believe.
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