An instructive & enjoyable webinar!

Some (of the many) key messages, mostly about #MenstrualCycle 👇

👉Due to big intra- and inter-individual variation in hormone levels, it is hard to provide evidence-based guidelines for practicioners to apply

👉28-days cycle equals🦄
👉Effect of ovarian hormones on performance? No consensus 🤷‍♀️

👉Are you investigating the effect of sex hormones on X, Y or Z? Day counting is not enough. Be robust and measure the concentration of hormones

👉Good move to track at least 3 cycles before accepting a pattern
👉Ovulation kits can be used for verification of ovulatory cycles... And in fact, anovulatory cycles are quite common.

👉It may take some time (up to 3 months) for the cycle to get back to normal after coming off oral contraceptives
👉If your participant / athlete is not taking hormonal contraceptives and you want to ensure low levels of estrogen and progesterone, do it in the first 3, 4 (maybe 5) days of the cycle

📖Position statement coming soon!
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