How to leverage Pre-Action to eliminate Reaction and get ICE in your veins.

State Management is essentially making sure you never move off your centre. You never lose control over YOU.

We will shift the paradigm from

'Event Based Reaction' to 'Outcome Based Pre-Action'
The number one most important trait to master is the ability to regulate your state at any given moment.

No matter what happens to you, stay 100% in the state of Equanimity.
To manage your state you need to view your existence as just Energy.

The goal is to make sure you are maintaining your energy at a steady state. Not going too up or too down.

Note: I am not saying be an emotionless drone...

But CHOOSE what gets to you. Ahead of time.
Back to the Energy.

You encounter a negative event you react, you go below the line of equanimity.

The loss is two fold:

1) You lose the energy

2) Then you have to spend energy to come back to your steady state.
Then again you encounter an event that excites you immensely, then you shoot way above your line of equanimity (uncontrollably) and then you have a crash (uncontrollably) and the crash takes you below the line of equanimity again.

Viscous Cycle.
By now you should be getting a visual idea of what your ups and downs look like.
What you don't know can hurt you but...

What you DO know but you pretend not to know will hurt you even more.

Fact: You KNOW you will encounter events beyond your control.
You know these events may cause worry, fear, doubt, angst, anxiety etc.

You don't know the EVENT, but you do know what the OUTCOMES of the event will be.
So what you need is a framework for dealing with the outcome of the event NOT the event itself to maintain equanimity.

You should see the paradigm shift here.
Since every single feeling that is the outcome of the event can be dealt with in the exact same way, here is a framework to establish BEFORE any event occurs.


You are choosing how you will react, given an event, before it happens.
Let's take a negative event.

For example, a client choosing to take their business away from you, you will feel these things guaranteed:

Feeling of rejection, momentary scarcity, a bit of doubt and fear because of scarcity.

Boil it down even more: fear, doubt and some worry.
If you predict this may someday happen to you, you should be ready for it before it happens.

You should write down what you do when you doubt, how you will react, write it down once and for all and forget it.
Every time you 'remember' a doubtful thought about the event, post-event or pre-event, you know you have the solution ALREADY written out.

So you don't let it move you off the line of equanimity.

So when the client quits...your Energy is untouched.
Notice the difference:

You are not preventing the client from quitting because you don't have ANY control over that.

But you are controlling your state because you took pre-action to deal with it ahead of time.
Now, you stopped part one of the 'dip' below the line of equanimity by not letting the negative emotion to take over.

The next thing is to make sure you leverage that pre-action into productivity.
You do this by not wasting ONE second on the problem, but getting started on the solution because you already wrote out how you will deal with this problem, ahead of time.
By doing this, you won't meditate on the 'problem', curling up in a ball and being devastated or saying self-deprecating lines like 'bad luck' and other BS.

It maintains your Energy, preserves your time and accelerates a Solution Based Approach over Problem Focused Stagnation.
In summary:

Pre-Action > Reaction

Proactivity > Reactivity

Energy Preservation > Energy Restoration.
The whole purpose of this thread is to stay one step AHEAD of life.

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