Cis feminism was more or less founded on women's discontent in our labor relations with men in The Family. But Family is exactly the relation trans women have been (historically) excised from. Housewife fantasies are essentially our collective historical longing for cis status.
Cis feminists need to understand the per capita ratio of trans women to cis women in sex work is the same magnitude as per capita ratio of cis women to cis men in sex work. Trans women's cultures are overwhelmingly defined by unmarriageability.
This means we often have some "unacceptable" views on marriage relations. For trans women housewifing is fantastic, in that our primary sexual relation to men is prostitution. To cis women it is confusing, because what they teach each other is oppression, we see as privilege.
I don't have housewifing fantasies but I think I understand them. Some trans women like me basically skip over desire to be *in* The Family to the radical feminist position of Family abolition. But it is bittersweet, to demand the abolition of what you never received. //
cis women calling me a man on this one already lmao

wrong, men get to have families
Post: A queer of color critique has been mentioned a few times so let me add that of course The Family is hegemonic, and in ways beyond transness *and* race. (I am surprised no one has mentioned lesbians). Yet it is still an ideal diversely constituted in minority fantasies.
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