Big AZ COVID number day:
1) 88 deaths is a new record. Checking with @azdhs to see if this is more death certificate matching. Note: If so, the distribution will change, but not the overall number.
2) New high in cases, but also 2nd highest day of testing.
3) Daily positive rate is 28%, or 4x what it was May 14.
4) Inpatients are +3% since yesterday, which is a new record
5)ED patients +27% since yesterday, reversing a downward trend
6) Discharges up 40% from previous day, continuing an upward trend (though 40 is an outlier)
7) ICU bed avail is 11%, lowest its been
8) ED bed avail is 55%, consistent
9) Inpatient bed avail is 15%, pretty consistent
10) Overall mortality rate continues to fall (2.03%)
11) 65+ mortality rate: 12.7% (+64 deaths since ystdy)
12) 20-44+ mortality rate: <.01% (+4 deaths since ystdy)
13) 20-44 made up 54% of yesterday's case growth
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