British politics has gone back to the 1980s. In 1983, Neil Kinnock shifted Labour to the right and lost support from trade unions, miners and working class voters after he allowed Margaret Thatcher and her hard-right Tory Government to crush them and decimate their communities
Kinnock's leadership led to 14 years of Tory rule after he replaced Michael Foot in 1983. Foot himself experienced the same hostile environment from the Labour right, including those who quit Labour and formed the SDP - a centrist project that failed, just like TIG did last year
I live in the Red Wall region and I can assure you Labour is more toxic here than ever. Sir Keir Starmer has not once reached out to this working class region since becoming party leader almost 3 months ago, giving the impression he does not care about anywhere outside of London
Warning signs were there in 2017: if Labour betrayed its Brexit voters in Red Wall regions in England and Wales, they would punish the party at the next election - and that is exactly what they did

Warnings by Red Wall MPs were shouted down by Labour's London-centric Remain MPs
Sir Keir Starmer's reckless Brexit policy - spearheaded by Tom Watson - cost Labour 52 Leave-voting seats in its Red Wall regions in England and Wales - and won just 1 seat: Putney in Remain-voting London

Yet, Labour Remain deny still their policy failed
I daresay Remain supporters and the fanatical FBPE will attack this topic - like they always do - regurgitating the same abuse and smears, blaming Jeremy Corbyn and the Left for their hideous Brexit policy which led to Labour being annihilated in its safest seats in the country
Remain and FBPE are still banging the 'second referendum' drum - but we effectively had the second referendum last year: Boris Johnson won a landslide majority to get Brexit done

Labour and the Lib Dems' Brexit policies failed to cause the election surge Remain predicted
As for Scotland, Sir Keir Starmer's recent 'English patriotism' approach - in attempt to woo Tory and far-right supporters - has further alienated many Scots, who will never vote Labour again

Like it or not, the SNP is here to stay this time - thanks to Starmer
'Unity candidate' Sir Keir Starmer pledged to end factions in the Labour Party but has widened them. This was his plan all along

He has lost support of the Left and BAME grassroots - while getting praise from hard-right figures like Nigel Farage for attacking #BlackLivesMatter
But the mask has slipped: Sir Keir Starmer refuses to take action against Blairite MP Rachel Reeves for praising anti-Semite Nancy Astor - but was quick to sack Rebecca Long-Bailey

He is also in 'no mood' to compromise with Labour's BAME members over his #BlackLivesMatter stunt
Sir Keir Starmer has moved Labour to the right and tilted it towards the establishment and the neoliberal and metropolitan elite

Tony Blair did the same, winning backing from Rupert Murdoch who has backed [i.e. chosen] every winning UK Prime Minister since 1979
Jeremy Corbyn will go down in history as the most vilified political leader ever - because he was a threat to the establishment and the financial interests of the few

His socialist policies would have ended decades of Margaret Thatcher's toxic neoliberal legacy
Labour has lost my support. Millions of people are now politically homeless

Sir Keir Starmer has promoted Blairites to the front bench who gloated when Jeremy Corbyn lost the election after they repeatedly abused and smeared him and his supporters

And I will never forgive them
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