Here is a complete list of Palestinians' rejection of peace and statehood opportunites spanning an entire century:

1919: Refused to nominate representatives to the Paris Peace Conference
1920: Rejected San Remo Conference Proposal
1922: Rejected League of Nations Proposal

1937: Rejected Peel Commission Proposal
1938: Rejected Woodhead Partition Proposal
1947: Rejected UNGA Partition Proposal
1949: Rejected UNGAR 194 Resolution
1967: Rejected UNSCR 242 Resolution
1978: Rejected Begin/Sa'adat Peace Proposal

1994: Rejected Rabin/Hussein Peace Proposal
1995: Rejected Rabin's Counter-Offer for Peace
2000: Rejected Barak/Clinton Peace Offer
2001: Rejected Barak's Peace Offer (at Taba)
2005: Rejected Sharon's Offer and Withdrawal from Gaza
2008: Rejected Olmert/Bush Peace Offer

2014: Rejected Kerry's Contour-for-Peace Offer
2020: Rejected Netanyahu/Trump Peace Offer

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