I know a little bit about the Civil War - I’m being modest for effect – but I have no idea who Benning was. I do know millions of soldiers like me went through Fort Benning and the idea that we’re supposed to be ashamed of that Army legacy b/c of the name is a nonstarter. 1/
And the idea that the Senate is going to go into November with its number one achievement being capitulation to a frivolous symbolic Democrat demand about renaming army bases is likewise a nonstarter.

Maybe the GOP I’ll be more concerned with pleasing us. 2/
How about some laws that protect us, the Republican voters?

Ban Big Tech censorship

Cut off federal aid to cities they play footsie with communist rioters.

Make attacking police a federal hate crime.

Make it a crime for a local DA to target citizens exercising self-defense 3/
Senate needs to stop trying to make the New York Times happy and start trying to make us GOP voters happy.

By refusing to play along with this capitulation to the Democrats’ agenda, @realDonaldTrump is saving the Senate weakhearts from themselves. 4/
For the willfully obtuse who will misrepresent me - my new book is all about them - if we were naming bases today, I would not name them after Confederates. My family was Union.

But on a scale of 1-100 in importance, this issue is a -37. 5/ https://amzn.to/2YMuZpo 
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