I'm concerned and disapointed in the way @VenomsOxford has reacted to concerns raised about its all white-male line up. Thread.
Several venom researchers (including @daly66, @srhall106 , @_daniel0315, @LaPepena, @aida_verdes, @JohnMulley - all well worth a follow if not doing so already) publically highlighted the issue or suggested a more diverse list of potential speakers.
Instead of pro-activley and constructivley interacting with these messages, @VenomsOxford decided to take a stance of overt defence, with one reply to a @daly66 being completley uncalled for.
Eventually @VenomsOxford decided to delete all their tweets regarding the line up and block and unfollow anyone who had disagreed with them (see https://twitter.com/LaPepena/status/1276766234667868160)
Finally, yesterday @VenomsOxford tweeted the rather cryptic "We always welcome 'positive' feedback." When asked by @srhall106 why the quotation marks and why have researchers been blocked, the response was to simply block Steve, too.
There are several fundemental problems here.
1) @VenomsOxford has failed to grasp the perception and upset the inital line up has caused.
2) instead of acting with a little humility and taking a step back for reflection, @VenomsOxford decided to defensivley back their position
3) by ostracising venom researchers raising concerns, several of whom are early in their career, @VenomsOxford has put on a textbook display of the problems which persist in #academia
4) their most recent tweet, now deleted, wellcoming 'positive' feedback gives the impression that they are not at all taking this seriously.
Why would venom researchers, especially those in early career or from underpresisented backgrounds, want to pay to go to a conference which so openly disregards concerns of the community they claim to be providing a platform for?
I would like to see @VenomsOxford respond to this constructivley. It has been an embarrassing PR disaster for them. I'm upset because this conference was genuinly the highlight of the year, but i will not be participating until this is addressed.
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