REMINDER: Monday’s #SCOTUS decision affirmed abortion rights, but many still struggle to get abortions due to sexist, classist, and racist policies like the Hyde Amendment. Let’s talk about the politician behind this cruel policy + why our #BeBoldEndHyde fight continues. 👇
Henry Hyde wanted to ban all abortions but settled for banning them just for people struggling to make ends meet.
Henry Hyde made his intentions crystal clear when he said: “I certainly would like to prevent, if I could legally, anybody having an abortion, a rich woman, a middle-class woman, or a poor woman. Unfortunately, the only vehicle available is the Medicaid bill.”
The Hyde Amendment targets those struggling financially--who are more likely to be women of color, young people, and others marginalized in our economy. It is classist, sexist, and racist.
The Hyde Amendment is just one part of the systems that uphold white supremacy and misogyny. Which makes our #BeBoldEndHyde fight that much more relevant and poignant today.
We are in the midst of a global pandemic + also a global uprising for Black lives. Here’s the common thread: The Hyde Amendment, COVID-19, and state-sanctioned violence all disproportionately harm and kill people struggling to get by, especially Black and brown folks.
Here is how pervasive racism and anti-Blackness show up in our systems and keep Black people down 👇👇👇
Police are more likely to target and enact violence against Black people.
Insurance companies, doctors, + others in the health care system routinely ignore the needs of Black people, especially Black women.
Bias in workplaces drive employers to pay Black people less than their white counterparts.
When Henry Hyde targeted “a poor woman”, he was directly targeting Black and brown communities. The Hyde Amendment is a key part of the racism and misogyny that takes away the agency of Black and brown people.
This is why we must #BeBoldEndHyde for a future where all people can be free, and all people can thrive, especially Black and brown people.
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