Why does it seem like Democrat Governors intoduced the ChiCom flu into nursing homes in order to greatly magnify the death rate of the virus?
Why did the Democrats try to shame President Trump as being "racist" when he initiated his Chinese travel bans?
Why did DeBlasio encourage commuters to keep using public transportation?

Why did Nancy Pelosi encourage people to attend Chinese New Year celebrations in San Fransisco, while saying that such activities posed no risk?
Why does the ChiCom Flu that mostly kills the old, the weak and the infirm, seem so much like a Communist wet dream?

Why did the ChiCom Flu emerge just as the freedom movement in Hong Kong was reaching a fevered pitch?
Why does it seem like both the Chinese and the Democrat Party really needed a pandemic in order to maintain and solidify their political power?
Is there really any evil that the party of slavery and Jim Crow wont commit for their own gain?

How about the Chinese CCP that murdered tens of millions of Chinese?

Have either of these political machines earned your trust?
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