The President of the United States is campaigning for reelection with a Nazi symbol. Again.

On the left: an official Trump/Pence “America First” tee.

On the right; the Iron Eagle, the official symbol of the Nazi party.

It’s not an accident. Bigotry is their entire brand.
Trump & Pence are proudly displaying a Nazi-inspired shirt on their official campaign website.

They are promoting genocidal imagery yet again — just days after President Trump retweeted a video of a supporter chanting “white power.”

“America First” was popularized by the America First Committee, launched in 1940 to prevent US involvement in WWII.

Their platform was built on antisemitism & fascism.

Trump is building on that hateful legacy, using it to attack Black people, immigrants, Muslims, Jews, & more.
Just two weeks ago, the Trump campaign ran Facebook ads using the red triangle, a Nazi concentration camp symbol used to mark political prisoners.

In June 2020, they used it to smear millions of protesters fighting for Black lives.

It’s a pattern.
Facebook took down Trump’s Nazi ads. Now they must take down all of Trump’s bigotry & disinformation.

Add your name to demand @Facebook take accountability for enabling anti-Black racism & hate speech: 
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