I'm going to say this once. The #5StepCulturalRoadMap for Theatres and cultural buildings may as well have been written in the sand with a stick at high tide. It is vague, lacks knowledge of the sector and doesn't in anyway help future proof a sector that has been forced to....
be more than just #Culture and #Arts. For over 10 years funding has stagnated and companies have been told they have to diversify and provide community and wellbeing roles to justify the funding they have. Theatre is more than a stage...
its more than a famous actor...
Its a tour to care homes with reminiscence workshops.
Its an anti bullying show touring to schools with workshops.
Its corporate training for large scale companies.
Its art therapy for those with Dementia and Alzheimers...
...Its performance therapy for those with #PMLD.
Its a developmental breeding ground for innovative ways to make performances, workplaces and teaching accessible.
Its free summer schools with food for those facing food poverty....
It enhances the current school curriculum.
Its venues are often listed as safe spaces from vulnerable adults take refuge in.
It helps asylum seekers and refugees adapt to their new lives through physical communication.
It helps children who do not speak english as a first...
language learn through interaction and play.
It provides the #EducationSector and many more with CPD.
Its a rural coffee caravan that visits isolated communities.
Its an ecosystem that provides jobs to so many sectors Lightning, AV, Staging, Sound and numerous #freelancers
We aren't asking to open straightaway. We know that can't happen. We know you can't have two actors within 1m or is it 2m or 1 and bit?!
So this is what I want to know:
1) Will you replenish the #ACE pot of money?
2) Will you look at an arts insurance policy? We know we will be
the first shut in a second wave. Also unlike other business if a staff member (lets say an actor) was contacted by track and trace and told to isolate for 14 days and we had to cancel. It wouldn't even been worth putting the show on in the first place.
3) If theatres can't...
open before Christmas will the furlough scheme extend early to 2021? Will it apply to the self employed?
4) Will you help fund companies to develop their digital output in order to regain some of their lost income?
5) Will you request that #Councils ring fence the money they...
....currently give to Arts Organisations to protect them further. After all in my area we come under #PublicHealth

When the theatre community shut down, the majority of arts organisations shut their front doors and spilled out online...
...they provided performances, workshops, food delivery, they made face masks /visors / medical scrubs, held masterclasses, theatre clubs, art classes.


Before #Covid19 the buzz word was #SocialPrescription and we delivered it.
If you want Arts and Culture still, help us provide it.

Finally...We need more than the governments traditional 1 or 2 week notice shenanigans, a show doesn't start with the rehearsals. But you knew that already, right?!
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