reasons not to go; a thread for you.
1. i was gonna be super depressing, make a joke, but i guess that isnt the right call especially if someone needs something of substance to continue going and not just sum meaningless activities that only numb the pain temporarily and never really address it directly. so truly
2. the reason you should stay, isnt for me or for your parents or your siblings or your pets or your work or your potential or anything stupid like that u r not stupid, u r valuable and have a pair of eyes and heart and a perspective and a life.. u r valuable regardless of
3. what uve ahcieved, who u were, what uve done, it doesnt matter if youre a doctor or a bum or a loser or a winner or sum1 living at home or drop out or a business man or construction worker or a waiter or a yogi doesnt matter fuck your title, its not important
4. fuck how much money u got, fuck any achievements u have, those dont matter, where u r in life it does not matter i dont give a fuck about that, i care abt you, the soul, the person, the individual, bearing through this convoluted mess of a world confused and lost without
5. direction, no purpose, or peace and thats why i want you to stick around, to see this out, i dont want you to pass in pain i dont want you to go with a heavy heart i dont want you feel as if youre stuck in quick sand and its becoming a task to breathe BUT U R
6. THIS IS HOW U FEEL and i cant.. i really cant tell u its gonna get better i cant tell u that i have the answers i cant promise a thing like that, but ican promise my companionship, i dont know how we are gonna get better, but im sure we can figure it out, u dont have to go
7. U DONT HAVE TO GO, if you feeel unwanted and unwelcomed everywhere PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT U HAVE A PLACE WITH ME, I CANT OFFER U THE WORLD BUT I CAN OFFER U MY EARS MY HEART MY FRIENDSHIP, stay not for me or for anyone else other than u i know u r going through a hard time
8. and i wish i could snap my fingers and make all the pain go away but i cant and u cant either but with each other with help from friends who r there from family who is open, we can become better get better even if that doesnt seem possible...
i truly wish i knew how to help myself so i could help u
ive been living very unwell these last couple of months nd i have stunted my brains productivity please forgive if anything i said was insensitive or invalidating my brain isnt as it usually is, but please correct me in any thing i said i am willing to learn and b better takecare
this whole thread was in response to many of the other threads ive seen that trivialized peoples pain. i felt the need because of how i feel constantly. to make one, pls forgive me if it seems forced or empty, i am currently going through an apathy spell i wrote what felt correct
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