We have all been affected by lockdown, one way or another – but what is the impact of the pandemic on gender inequality?

Check this *thread* to find out 👀

Women earn on average ___ less than men in Britain
Sorry to break it to you but last year female employees in Britain earned on average 12% less than male ones.

Childcare issues and job losses during Covid-19 may mean that women will not earn the same as men for 90 years, the Fawcett Society ( @fawcettsociety) calculated
Women are also more likely to work in sectors that have had to shut down during lockdown, research by think-tank the Resolution Foundation ( @resfoundation) has shown.
An additional problem is that we don't have data on the gender pay gap for 2020. In March the Government said companies would not have to report their gender pay gap in light of the Covid-19 crisis.
Women spend ___ more time than men on housework during lockdown
Unfortunately, 100% is the correct answer.

Yes, women are spending twice as much time than men on housework every week 🤷‍♀️
And it's not just about housework – this is how men and women compare when it comes to childcare in lockdown
Mothers are ___ more likely than fathers to have lost or quit their job since lockdown began
Mothers are 47% more likely than fathers to have lost or quit their job since the lockdown began.
Around 16% of mothers are no longer in work as a result of the pandemic, compared to 11% of fathers.
If that was not enough of a problem, 1 in 4 new or soon-to-be mothers claim to have faced discrimination at work during lockdown, such as being singled out for redundancy or furlough, according to the Trades Union Congress ( @The_TUC)
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