Magtig! Deputy Minister Dr. David Masondo waffles, jong.

He lacks structure. He lacks focus.

The problem in the Republic is unemployment and lack of growth, his analysis should then flow from this as a starting point.

Debt can't be the root of his analysis. Banna!
Busi Sibeko says

- "Zero-based budgeting will end up hurting those most in need" by reducing projects because of government incompetence

- reprioritisation of funding steals from budgeted long term development in favour of short-term temporary relief (e.g. field hospitals)
Prof Chris Malikane says

- monetary policy needs to expand beyond moving interest rates to the total regulation of credit conditions in the Republic

- says government shouldn't wait for SARB to offer financing but together with its banker (ie SARB), should be proactive
Duma Gqubule says

- Cumulative austerity totals R600bn which is gonna escalate unemployment

- Says we can fund stimulus through PIC and other channels without even going to SARB but "treasury is just tone deaf"
Redge Nkosi says

- treasury budget is a micro-economic budget when faced with macro-economic issues

- IMF encourages use of capital markets to fund deficits. But Germany until recently didn't use markets as we do

- use of PIC funds is micro-economic solution to macro problem
Redge Nkosi says

- mandate of Bank of Japan was to provide money to Japan economy, the stabilisation function is secondary

- compartmentalisation of fiscal and monetary arms is IMF doing and is not how macro-economy in practice works
DM Dr. David Masondo says

- budget is function of struggle & balance of power and not just a technical exercise

- personally thinks focus of spending should be on industrialisation & agriculture

- says general independence of SARB is a myth. Says goal of SARB not independent
DM Dr David Masondo says

- wage bill is high to the point of making it difficult for government to hire more workers

- PIC invests on mandate of GEPF not instruction from treasury

- if PIC issue equity-convertible loan to Eskom where will dividends due to PIC come from
DM Dr David Masondo says

- change in Reg 28 for pensions is not to force funds to invest in sub-optimal assets

* the Dr was coming nicely but he has offramped into gold standard issues and he is clearly out of his depth on this monetary policy point
The Dr (Masondo) is now treading into waters of monetary policy (mind you, issues which have chowed and drowned no less than the governor of the SARB himself).

The Dr fails to grasp the issue of credit creation vs use of interest rates as a stabilisation tool.

Hayi ke!
DM Dr David Masondo misunderstands Redge Nkosi's point on credit creation. The Dr supports his argument by quoting Ha-Joon Chang who is South Korean and has written on such.

But Redge in addition to his point on credit creation used Japan as an example (not South Korea)
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