I have to admit I was one of the stupid people who voted for Trump and thought he would actually accomplish something like nationwide CCW reciprocity or the HPA.
Almost 4 years later we have an illegal bump stock ban and a president who fundamentally doesn’t understand the importance of gun rights, because in his mind the average person can just massive wealth to purchase their gun rights like any rich New Yorker.
We have cities burning and the only comfort we get is LOL, that’s what you get for voting Democrat… Except we didn’t. We have one party completely committed to the destruction of America and the rest of Washington doing nothing about it.
I’m sure it’s great comfort to the conservative business owner in St. Louis, Minneapolis, Dallas, Houston, or the Bay Area that his entire livelihood was looted and destroyed so maybe a do-nothing Republican Congressman or mayor might win this November.
This whole attitude that you have to leave your home behind and move to a red state isn’t going to work for long, because conservatives aren’t the only ones leaving, liberals are going there too because they ruined their own homes.
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