With all the talk of annexation, it's worth zooming in on one small example that perfectly demonstrates what makes the occupation so morally bankrupt and why annexation will only make things worse.

So here we go - The Sumarin family: a case study.
The Jewish National Fund plans to evict the 18 members of the Sumarin family from their home in Silwan, E. Jerusalem (where they have lived for over 50 years) and yesterday the District Court approved the plan, based on an absurd clause of the 1950 Absentee Property Law.
The law was legislated to allow Israelis to live on Palestinian property abandoned during the 1948 war, but has been used extensively since the 1967 war to settle hardline Israelis in the heart of Pal. neighborhoods in an effort to "Judaize" E.Jerusalem, which was annexed in '67.
With annexation of the W. Bank likely to happen at any moment,we can only assume the Israeli govt will seek to use the Absentee Property Law to do the same across the WB. Grabbing land, like in the Sumarin case, will now be legal. 1000s of Palestinians who live in villages and...
on properties that Israel doesn't officially recognize (and has made a point of not recognizing) will become 'illegal aliens' overnight, in homes which they have lived in, in many cases since before the State of Israel was established.
Today is July 1st, the date the gov't said it would begin the process of annexation. No one knows when exactly that will happen or what exactly will be annexed, but we know that this nightmare scenario, happening already in E.Jlm, is one step closer to becoming reality in the WB.
This is just one of the many reasons why we must not let annexation go ahead, and why the occupation must be ended altogether.
In the photo: @USAmbIsrael David Friedman, a long-time supporter of the settlement enterprise, at a 'celebratory' event in the City of David, E.J'lem.
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