In this thread, i will explain what is password managers, the type of password managers and the benefits from using it ... #قائدات_التقنية #CyberSecurity @cybersec2030
Password managers: store your login information for all the websites you use and help you log into them automatically. They encrypt your password database with a master password, the master password is the only one you have to remember.
The types of password managers:

1. Desktop-based:
Store your passwords locally on your device, like your laptop, in an encrypted vault. You can’t access those passwords from any another device, and if you lose the device, then you lose all the passwords stored there.
2. Cloud-based:
Store your encrypted passwords on the service provider’s network. The service provider is directly responsible for the security of your passwords. that you can access your password vault from any device as long as you have an Internet connection.
3. Single sign-on (SSO):
Unlike a password manager that stores unique passwords for every application you use, SSO allows you to use one password for every application.
The benefits of using a password manager:
1. You don’t have to memorize all your passwords anymore.
2. They can auto-generate highly secure passwords for you.
3. They help protect your identity.
4. Many password managers sync across different operating systems (OSes).
The best practice for maintaining a password for your password manager tool. Storing it into another password manager tool, to achieve more security.
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